Category Archives: Israel

TabletMag: Wild Thing: Max Blumenthal’s Creepy Anti-Zionist Odyssey

I was impressed with Max Blumenthal’s 2009 video, “Feeling the hate in Jerusalem”, because it captured the honest thoughts of many Jews towards Obama, views that rarely see the light of day in the MSM. In the MSM, Jews are … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Hire Mexicans To Protest At Gay Pride Parade

Story. No wonder every major Jewish organization supports immigration amnesty for America, but not for Israel.

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America Should Protect Its Borders Just Like Israel Does

Every major American Jewish organization supports immigration amnesty, but they say nothing when Israel builds walls to protect itself from illegal immigration. These organizations have one agenda for the goyim (diversity) and the opposite agenda for Jews (cohesion). A serious … Continue reading

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Jewish Influence In The Media

Author and former Israel ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, tells the Jewish Journal: And one of the issues I had to deal with was the fact that Jews were disproportionately represented in the US media. You just need … Continue reading

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Rabbis: An Anti-Semitic Incident Adds to Austria’s Shame

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzchok Adlerstein of the Simon Wiesenthal Center write for Newsweek: Now comes word that a landlord in Vienna is “offended” by the display of an Israeli flag inside a window of an apartment first placed there … Continue reading

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