Category Archives: Israel

Israel Doesn’t Want Black Hebrews

REPORT: Arriving in Israel for a wedding celebration, the two were turned away on suspicion of belonging to the Black Hebrew Community. An American convert to Judaism and her 10-year-old son were detained for almost 48 hours in a holding … Continue reading

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How To Deal With Israelis

Chaim Amalek: I wonder if they have something like this for working with other nationalities. Luke Ford: We could get rich writing such! Chaim Amalek: “How to deal with people from Haiti.” Chaim Amalek: “How to work with Romani chip … Continue reading

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Iran vs Israel

David Hazony posts on FB: Pop quiz: Which of the following is most likely to be true: (a) The Iranian regime is increasing its hateful rhetoric because, in the event of a historic reconciliation with the West, they want to … Continue reading

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Simple Birth Control Can Reduce The Births Of Low IQ Groups

Steve Sailer writes: “…after the Israeli Establishment quickly got tired of the Ethiopians they had let in so liberal American Jews could feel good about Zionism not being racist, they hustled the Falasha women onto Depo-Provera, with similarly effective results.”

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It’s Their Land Too

Paul Johnson writes: “The Arab population of Palestine was 93 per cent in 1918, when the Balfour Declaration first began to take effect, and 65 per cent in 1947, when the crisis broke.” I’ll never forget Dennis Prager saying to … Continue reading

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