Category Archives: Israel

JP: Reverse Apartheid: Police Charging Attorneys over Land Deal that Didn’t Disclose Buyers Were Jewish

Jewish Press: Israeli Police has recommended to the State Prosecution to indict two main suspects in what it termed a land purchase swindle in Judea and Samaria, Makor Rishon reported Friday. The two attorneys, a Jew and an Arab, are … Continue reading

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The Two Deviations IQ Gap Between Israel And The Arabs

From Late Empire: To illustrate the collective intellectual dystopia that are the Arab countries, the country of Greece (11 million people) translated five times more books into Greek in 2009 than did the entire Arab world combined (population of 367 … Continue reading

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NYT: Reporting From Iran, Jewish Paper Sees No Plot to Destroy Israel

Larry Cohler-Esses is the best reporter on Jewish life and the Forward does much of its best journalism. The New York Times reports: The first journalist from an American Jewish pro-Israel publication to be given an Iranian visa since 1979 … Continue reading

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Iran Vs Israel

How much of the kvetching about this potential American deal with Iran is just bargaining for advantage? I don’t know much about the Middle East and nuclear arms control, but all the heated rhetoric reminds me of the frightening talents … Continue reading

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Is Obama Blaming The Jewish Lobby?

I am not a Middle East expert and I have no position on the proposed treaty with Iran. Is there a Jewish lobby? It seems to me obvious that just as there is a black lobby, a business lobby, a … Continue reading

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