Category Archives: Israel

Israelis, Settlers & Civil Rights

There’s nothing in Torah about modern politics and siding with the fringes against the core. There’s nothing in Torah about marching for civil rights. Jews didn’t work for blacks because they primarily cared about blacks (there’s no precedence for this … Continue reading

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Should Israel Take In Syrian Refugees?

That’s crazy, right? Why would the Jewish state want to take in enemy aliens? Well, does not the same reasoning apply to the West? Why would any Western countries want to take in Muslims, who are famously hostile to the … Continue reading

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Has Israel’s Relationship With America Been Shaken Over The Iran Deal?

Has Israel’s prime minister over-reached? Have certain Jews over-reached in protesting the Iran deal? Have they done irreparable damage to Israel’s security by damaging its relationship with America? Uri Avnery writes: All Israelis agree that the one supreme asset Israel … Continue reading

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William S. Lind: Obama Is Right About Iran

William S. Lind writes: Real conservatives hate war. War is the most expensive activity the state can engage in. Its outcome is always uncertain. Only revolution is a more powerful agent of social and cultural change, change conservatives exist to … Continue reading

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The Bizarre Charge That Obama Is An Anti-Semite

J.J. Goldberg writes: The campaign against President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal tends toward the apocalyptic even when it’s in repose. Right now it’s virtually jumping the rails, plunging into a swamp of anti-Obama conspiracy theory, with a gaggle of conservative … Continue reading

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