Category Archives: Israel

Simon Wiesenthal Center Rabbis Support Strong Borders For Israel, But No Borders For America

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzhok Adlerstein write Sept. 21, 2015 for The Jerusalem Post: “There is no wiggle-room concerning the consequences of a one-state solution. Combined with a right of return for millions of Palestinians living for decades in Muslim … Continue reading

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A Light Unto The Nations

Six months ago, I wrote: For ethno-nationalists, Israel is a shining light of what a determined people can accomplish, but I guess if Jews develop an ethno-state, that’s a good thing, but if goyim attempt to similarly develop their own … Continue reading

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Jews & Immigration

David emails: Your blog is one of the must-reads on my RSS feed. I am Jewish and I am horrified by the American Jewish establishment’s open embrace of a policy of unrestricted invasion of our country (and, indeed, all Western … Continue reading

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What About America’s Security?

Link: Barack Obama, June 4, 2008 (via Mangan’s): Now let me be clear. Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. . . . Any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a jewish state, with secure, recognized, … Continue reading

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Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Blasts ‘Spiritually Dangerous’ Christian Event in Jerusalem

From Haaretz: Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef say even though International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem are friends of Israel, the event undermines the state’s Jewish character. Why shouldn’t Gentile state argue that all sorts … Continue reading

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