Category Archives: Israel

Mondoweiss: The refreshing bluntness of Ayelet Shaked

I respect the Mondoweiss blog even though his point of view is the opposite of mine. He’s a leftist and therefore he does not see important differences based on religion and race. I see culture and nation as the product … Continue reading

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Haaretz: U.S. Military Aid to Israel Exceeds $100 Billion

From Haaretz Aug. 18, 2014: The United States of America is Israel’s big brother and really loves us. Israel does not have and apparently will not have another friend like it. According to a recent Congress report, Israel is the … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Putin Garners Strange, New Respect by Dropping Bombs on the Middle East

Steve Sailer writes: “That’s just what a respectable country does: it drops bombs on the Middle East. So if the Russians are bombing some country in the the Middle East, then they must be, when you stop and think about … Continue reading

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Follies and Fiascoes: Why Does US Foreign Policy Keep Failing?

“Stephen M. Walt, Robert and Renée Belfer Professor of International Affairs, discusses US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War at IDEASpHERE at Harvard Kennedy School on May 16, 2014.” Stephen Walt: “Almost all the senior members of … Continue reading

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Tel Aviv Orgy Girl Was Drunk

Link: “Girl gets drunk [in Tel Aviv], has massive orgy in a club. The funny thing is, even the fact that the “victim” herself claims it was consensual doesn’t bother the police and the feminist media, who continue investigating what … Continue reading

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