Category Archives: Israel

Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger Charged With Taking Bribes

Rabbi Gavriel Cohen of Los Angeles is also charged with taking bribes. Rabbi Cohen told me today via email that these charges are “unfounded.” Reactions in the Los Angeles Orthodox community seem evenly divided between those who are surprised by … Continue reading

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Was 1960s Feminism A Front?

I’ve never met a hot feminist. I’ve never met a happy feminist. Feminists are invariably ugly and bitter. Steve Sailer writes: If you look closely enough, you’ll notice lots of examples of this Jewish tactical genius for transmuting intra-Jewish hostilities … Continue reading

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Voting Republican For Israel

J.J. Goldberg writes: Today you’re invited to join me in a thought experiment. Assume for a moment that you’re the sort of American voter who puts Israel’s safety and welfare first when deciding how to vote. Let’s go further and … Continue reading

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Jews, Judaism & Gun Control

In the light of recent American shootings and renewed discussion about gun control, I researched Judaism’s attitudes to gun control. As I expected, Judaism does not have a clear position on gun control (or any almost any contemporary political issue … Continue reading

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Forward: It’s Not Quite a Third Intifada — Yet

J.J Goldberg writes: The ostensible reason for the violence is a widespread belief among Palestinians that Israel intends to change the status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and create a Jewish religious presence there, a desecration to many Muslims. The … Continue reading

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