Category Archives: Israel

Jonathan Marks: BDS Nonviolence Provides Cover for Violent Allies

By Jonathan Marks October 30, 2015 Since 2005, the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement has been on American college campuses recruiting students to join a movement to isolate Israel. Much has been written about BDS and I will not revisit … Continue reading

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Should American College Campuses Permit Criticism Of Israel?

I believe all groups, including Jews, benefit from accurate criticism and from the accurate and appropriate placement of stigma. I welcome debates about Israel and Jews and blacks and Muslims and Christians, on campus and off. Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi … Continue reading

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Rabbi: How the Middle East Conflict Is Warping Judaism

I think dealing with your own country is excellent for Judaism. When Judaism did not have a state for nearly 1900 years, the religion turned inward and became obsessed with tiny rituals rather than the practicalities of running a nation-state. … Continue reading

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Jews & Multiculturalism

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Arab: If Israel disappears, others will too

An Arab writes: Since 1948, we Arabs have been taught that all we need to do is get rid of the Jewish state, and ‎everything else will go well after that. Our dictators took full advantage of this idea. Egyptian … Continue reading

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