Category Archives: Israel

Israel As Atonement For The Holocaust

American Jewish historian Peter Novick writes in his book The Holocaust in American Life: …It’s not clear how the myth of Israel as the world’s atonement for complicity in the Holocaust developed… There has been an apparent slide from the … Continue reading

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Knesset Member Launches Symbolic Campaign to Label European Products to Protest ‘Antisemitic’ Policy

Different groups have different interests. The interests of Jews, Europeans and Muslims conflict. Jews used to call for Palestinians to fight for their cause without violence, but that’s what BDS is — fighting for the Palestinians without violence. Jews don’t … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter: Since GOPs love to talk Israel, how @ telling us if they approve of Israel’s AGGRESSIVE self-deportation policy?

NYT: Israel’s Chilly Reception for African Asylum Seekers WP: Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison HOLOT, Israel — As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East … Continue reading

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Does America Have A ‘Deep State’?

I’m surprised that this analyst’s anti-Israel columns haven’t gotten him banned from the MSM. When was the last time premiere political scientists John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt were published in the MSM (and the NYT)? Philip Giraldi, ex-CIA officer, … Continue reading

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Israel Restores Nationalism

Brett Stevens writes: As I have mentioned before (at least eight years before), Israel will lead the way in restoring Nationalism, which is a world order where boundaries are defined by the simultaneous shared ethnicity, culture, and values of a … Continue reading

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