Category Archives: Israel

Refugees In Israel

From the African Refugee Development Center: Israel is a reluctant host to 46,437 African asylum seekers predominantly from Eritrea (73%) and Sudan (19%) and a small minority (8%) arriving from several other African countries. The state policy toward asylum seekers … Continue reading

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Newsweek: Non-Jewish Refugees Get a Cold Shoulder in Israel

I admire how Israel protects itself despite world pressure to diminish its Jewish state. All nations should protect themselves from the importation of people who are not a good fit. No country has a moral obligation to destroy itself (aka … Continue reading

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Why isn’t Israel accepting more refugees?

Despite considerable pressure from outside and in, Israel’s government stands firm in its commitment to take no Syrian refugees. All nationalists should admire Israel’s dedication to its best interests. The Jewish state is an ethno-state, perhaps the most successful ethno-state … Continue reading

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Israel Shows Us How To Deal With Unwanted Refugees

Israel is a light unto the nations with its serious commitment to its survival. Part of that commitment means keeping out people who are incompatible with a Jewish state. Would that America was similarly pragmatic. Black Africans are incompatible with … Continue reading

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More white evangelicals than American Jews say God gave Israel to the Jewish people

From 2013: Israel defines itself as a Jewish state, and most Jews in the United States say that emotionally they are either very attached (30%) or somewhat attached (39%) to Israel. But on some measures, Jews’ feelings for Israel are … Continue reading

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