Category Archives: Israel

Concern in Israel over bill on foreign-funded NGOs

From Al Jazeera: Israeli cabinet ministers have approved a bill that critics say could severely curtail the influence of foreign-funded non-governmental organisations, including human-rights groups. The legislation, which was accepted on Sunday and expected to be passed into law this … Continue reading

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ISIS terrorists reveal: We only fear Israel

Arutz Sheva: Israel’s military is the only army in the world that ISIS fears, according to the only Western journalist whom the sadistic terror group has allowed into its territory. Jürgen Todenhöfer, a former member of the German Parliament, spent … Continue reading

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U.S. denying security clearances due to Israeli ties

Jewish Journal: As many as 100 American citizens were prevented from joining the U.S. army in the last decade because they had family living in Israel. But the latest case of a 60-year-old dentist from Brooklyn having his clearance application … Continue reading

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Divide, Conquer, Colonize

Dan Sanchez writes: As US-driven wars plummet the Muslim world ever deeper into jihadi-ridden failed state chaos, events seem to be careening toward a tipping point. Eventually, the region will become so profuse a font of terrorists and refugees, that … Continue reading

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What Israel Tells Us About Affirmative Action and Race

Israel is a serious country. It has to be or it will die. America is increasingly a frivolous country. Sigal Alon writes: There is a country with a race-neutral, class-based affirmative action policy that is large enough to study: Israel. … Continue reading

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