Category Archives: Israel

Adios America: The Left’s Plan To Turn America Into A Third-World Hellhole

Ann Coulter writes in her new book: THE ISSUE THAT WON’T GO AWAY: SHOULD DEMOCRATS BE GIVEN 30 MILLION NEW VOTERS? The media convince people to believe lies by the simple process of repetition: Diversity is a strength! We’re a … Continue reading

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TERROR: Dafna Meir HY’D Murdered In Front Of Her 3 Children Inside Her Otniel Home; Terrorist Flees Scene; Manhunt Launched

News: 38-year-old Dafna Meir H”YD was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist inside her home in the Otniel settlement, located just outside of Hebron. The brutal attack happened on Sunday evening. According to a statement by the IDF, the … Continue reading

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Haaretz: There’s Nothing Progressive About Jews and Arabs Kissing

The average Arab IQ is about 80. The average Ashkenazi IQ is between 105-120. These groups have little in common. All groups that want to survive and thrive police their borders. I understand Jews and Arabs who have a visceral … Continue reading

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Poll Finds 37% Of Americans Believe Israel Has Too Much Influence Over US Politics

The real figure must be much higher but rational people in America fear saying anything negative about Jews to a stranger. REPORT: WASHINGTON — Poll results released last month show that Americans are sharply divided over the influence of Israel … Continue reading

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Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Wants To Restrict Speech

BY TZIPI HOTOVELY: Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France, it became popular to cite George Bernard Shaw’s famous words: “Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.” But the continuation of the phrase, less quoted, is equally significant: “…and it … Continue reading

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