Category Archives: Israel

If Trump Is Elected President, Will He Care If Israel Expels Its Arabs?

Why would a President Trump care if Israel expelled its Muslims? He wouldn’t. Israel, under a Trump presidency, will have a free hand. They may well gather strength from the experience of the other. There are many advantages to America … Continue reading

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American Jewry’s Disgraceful Hypocrisy

Uri S. Segelman writes: Of course Israel is the Jewish State, and affirming such may be among the least controversial things one could possibly say to a group of American Jews. [And when I say “Jews,” I mean people affiliated, … Continue reading

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Listening to Donald Trump, you’d think he’s running for president of the United States and that the welfare of Americans was his primary concern.

It’s really strange that Donald Trump isn’t all caught up in Israel’s security. I thought that was priority number one for American politicians. Most Americans don’t care much about Israel. Strangely enough, they care mainly about America. Politico: In a … Continue reading

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Will Hillary Clinton Win The Adelson Primary?

From Mondoweiss: Yesterday’s Republican caucuses in Nevada came and went with no declaration from the state’s most famous political resident, Sheldon Adelson. The media say he is taking a pass on the Republican field for now. Politico says that he … Continue reading

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JJ: Jeb, Cruz go after Trump for ‘neutral’ stance on Israel

Most Americans are neutral on Israel so Trump should fit right in with them. Strangely enough, Americans seem to like a presidential candidate who puts American interests first, just as Bibi Netanyahu puts Israel’s interests first. Jewish Journal: Republican presidential … Continue reading

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