Category Archives: Israel

Will Israel Expand?

Comments: Israel is free to entertain expansion and assess the risks and benefits thereof. However, even nations with a rich, past history of conquest are entitled to ask themselves whether it’s a good idea to be involved now in any … Continue reading

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Can Israel build big, sustainable companies?

Israel is a low-trust society which might make it difficult building up big companies. From Techcrunch: The Israeli start-up ecosystem is a well-oiled investment machine that has been turning out companies for the better part of two decades. The country … Continue reading

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Soviet Scientists by Ethnicity as of 1973

Steve Sailer writes: On, Anatoly Karlin displays an interesting graph of scientists per capita of over 50 Soviet ethnic groups as of 1973. Not surprisingly, the #1 most scientific ethnicity in the Soviet Union were the Jews and the … Continue reading

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Francis Fukuyama and Charles Krauthammer

From Steve Sailer in 2005: Fukuyama Responds to Krauthammer: The Israelization of American Foreign Policy. You may recall that prominent neocon Francis “End of History” Fukuyama jumped ship awhile ago and criticized Charles Krauthammer in The National Interest for his … Continue reading

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Women In Combat

Martin van Creveld writes: Women’s inferiority to men in respect to physical strength, aerobic capacity, endurance and, above all, robustness, is obvious to all. The price is paid by their male colleagues; when a female trainee in a mixed unit … Continue reading

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