Category Archives: Israel

Young Non-Orthodox Jews Tend To Have A More Distant Relationship To Israel

Bernie Sanders, the one Jew running for President, seems to have the most distant relationship to Israel of any of the main contenders. Jared Sichel writes for the Jewish Journal: On April 12, Simone Zimmerman, a Los Angeles Jewish day … Continue reading

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Israel’s Pro-Black Migrant Protest

From 2015: Israel’s Ethiopian Jews clash with police at race rally Dozens injured during anti-racism rally in Tel Aviv sparked by brutality against a black soldier. Israeli riot police have fired stun grenades and water cannon on thousands of ethnic … Continue reading

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Israel vs America

In many ways, Israel is a much healthier and more serious nation than the United States. Israel has a serious wall to stop illegal immigrants, America does not. Israel is run for the benefit of its majority population — Jews, … Continue reading

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Do Body Counts Determine Morality?

Orli writes on Facebook: Sanders may be a decent man, but psychological research in moral development shows us that using only a body count to determine morality, reeks of moral confusion at best, and is immoral at worst. Decades of … Continue reading

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Why Can’t Jews Have Safe Spaces?

Why can’t Jews have communities where they can be free from Palestinian attacks? The only way to do that is to have communities from Palestinians. Why should not all Israel be free from Palestinian attacks? The only way to do … Continue reading

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