Category Archives: Israel

Transgender Israeli Arab Wins Historic Tel Aviv Pageant

Another reason to support Israel! Or not. I mean, would it bother you if your son or daughter married a transgendered person? And if so, why would it bother you? A friend says: “I actually think that is the question … Continue reading

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Which one of these presidents was toughest on Israel?

Another way of framing the same question is asking which U.S. president was strongest on pursuing America’s interests. As Israel and America are different countries, they often have different interests. Dennis Ross writes: Have the United States and Israel ever … Continue reading

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JTA: Warmonger or humanitarian? Getting to know Avigdor Lieberman

In different contexts, the same people are likely to be warmongers or humanitarians. Sometimes, to be humane to your own people, you have to wage war on your enemies. Israel, if it is to survive as a Jewish state in … Continue reading

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Can you spot a terrorist just by looking at their face? New software can tell if you are anything from a paedophile to an ace poker player by analysing your features

Daily Mail: A company claims it can identify terrorists, paedophiles and ace poker players simply by looking at their face. Faception, an Israeli start-up, says its technology can spot character traits that are undetectable to the naked eye. The company … Continue reading

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How Netanyahu Showed the Army Who’s Boss by Handing the Keys to the Far Right

J.J. Goldberg writes: There are many ways to describe the Israeli cabinet shakeup that brings arch-nationalist Avigdor Lieberman into the Netanyahu government as defense minister. It’s a broadening and firming of a shaky coalition. It’s a lurch to the right. … Continue reading

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