Category Archives: Israel

In full page NYT ad, liberal Zionist group calls for ethnic segregation to retain Jewish majority within Israel

From Mondoweiss: The Daniel S. Abraham Center for Peace, a prominent liberal Zionist Israel lobbying group, purchased a full-page newspaper advertisement in Friday’s edition of the New York Times, calling for the immediate separation of Israelis and Palestinians into separate … Continue reading

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In Israel, racial profiling doesn’t warrant debate or apologies

I wish more First World countries were like this. Haaretz January 8, 2010: While other democracies hesitate to resort to racial profiling, Israel takes the practice for granted. A couple of months ago, I toured the IDF Ground Forces Command’s … Continue reading

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What Forms Of Protest Are Allowed ToThe Palestinians?

Obviously violence is not permitted. And BDS is not permitted. Encouraging boycotts of Israel is not permitted. It is a hate crime (even though it is a normal process in democracies, such as the boycott of apartheid South Africa, but … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Praises Israel’s Use of Profiling for Security

(JTA) — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump lauded Israel for its success in using racial profiling to prevent terror attacks. In a phone interview Monday with “Fox & Friends,” the network’s morning show, Trump said that U.S. police are afraid … Continue reading

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Safran Foer’s New Novel Explores Divorce Between Liberal Jewish Americans and Israel

Many left-wing Jews choose leftism over ethnic loyalty. Haaretz: ‘Here I Am’ shows how because of Israel’s growing ethno-nationalism, embarrassment has replaced guilt as his generation’s dominant feeling toward Israel. “Here I Am” is Jonathan Safran Foer’s first novel after … Continue reading

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