Category Archives: Israel

Decoding Israel’s Growing Isolation (5-22-24)

01:00 NYT: What to know about Karim Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants, Which first world nations have become more Muslim and more free? 14:20 Prof. John Mearsheimer: How Will the War in Gaza End?36:00 WSJ: The Israelis Prove … Continue reading

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Decoding Politics: Identity v Policy, Interests v Principles (5-21-24)

01:00 NYT: The Dangerous Political Headwind Facing Biden, Ideology vs. Identity: What Drives Political Preferences?1:02:00 Janan Ganesh: Maybe politics, which for decades has been dysfunctional in the US, doesn’t matter that much, NYT: How Extremists Took Over Israel, … Continue reading

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Decoding The Anti-Israel, Pro-Palestine Campus Protests (5-5-24)

01:00 My analysis of campus protests: National Review: Since When Does Criminal Law Not Apply to College Campus Protests?, New York Times podcast on campus protests, Journalist Lydia Polgreen, Victor Davis Hanson: Radical Far-Left Palestine protests threaten … Continue reading

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Pro Palestine campus protests at UCLA (5-3-24)

President Joe Biden said protest is fine but disruption is not. The essence of these campus protests has been disruption. The only reason these protests have captured the attention of the news is because of their disruption. Pro-Palestine speech is … Continue reading

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Decoding The Anti-Israel, Pro-Palestine Campus Protests (5-1-24)

01:00 I started a Tiktok channel, ‘Unacceptable’: Why it took hours for police to quell attack at UCLA pro-Palestinian camp, LAT: After violent night at UCLA, UC president launches investigation into response, A timeline of UCLA violence, … Continue reading

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