Category Archives: Israel

Raging Rafaeli sues Israeli newspaper

Dikla Kadosh writes: Leo’s ex, who’s quickly moved on to pro surfer Kelly Slater, has an odd way of doing damage control. After the Israeli supermodel tarnished her image in an October Yediot Ahronot article titled "Bar Refaeli Versus the … Continue reading

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A Modern Marketplace for Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox

Steven Erlanger writes: BEIT SHEMESH, Israel — When Larry Pinczower switches on his cellphone, the seal of a rabbinate council appears. Unable to send text messages, take photographs or connect to the Internet, his phone is a religiously approved adaptation … Continue reading

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Bibi Netanyahu – Israel’s Great Right Hope

Jason Maoz writes for The Jewish Press: For not the first time in his political career, Benjamin Netanyahu has become Israel’s Great Right Hope – a figure looked to with increasing longing by an electorate fed up with the blunders … Continue reading

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Under Fire In Lebanon

Dikla Kadosh writes: Yoav Galai documented the Israel-Lebanon war in the summer of 2006 as the only embedded photographer. No other Israeli photojournalist wanted the job. And when Galai returned with graphic images and an ignominious tale, no Israeli newspaper … Continue reading

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Israel’s Unexpected Spinoff From a Holocaust Trial

From the New York Times: JERUSALEM, Sept. 5 — It was one of Israel’s dirty little secrets. In the early 1960s, as Israelis were being exposed for the first time to the shocking testimonies of Holocaust survivors at the trial … Continue reading

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