Category Archives: Israel

It’s About Standards

Rabbi Yaakov Menken writes: I was as surprised as anyone to see “Gentile Lubavitcher refused conversion” in the Jerusalem Post. While it may be true that the belief that a deceased individual is the Messiah is foreign to normative Judaism, … Continue reading

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First ever sex festival launched in Israel

From Ynetnews: Is Israel ready for this? The first ever sex festival in the country, the Sextival, will be held between February 7-5 at Hangar 11 in the Tel Aviv Port. The three-day event promises to bring ordinary Israelis closer … Continue reading

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Buddy, Can You Spare A Shekel

Steve Walz writes for the Jewish Press: Unemployment levels may be at their lowest levels in years in Israel, but would you believe that as the number of unemployed citizens decreases the number of people needing food packages and other … Continue reading

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Explaining Love For Israel

Bookworm blogs: I went to a moderated talk concerning Israel. The speakers were Dennis Prager, John Podhoretz and Mona Charen, with Michael Medved moderating. As you can imagine, the discussion was informed, vigorous, amusing, intelligent and opinionated. I enjoyed every … Continue reading

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After Annapolis Thoughts About The Role Of American Orthodox Jews

By Rabbi Michael J. Broyde and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein: The Annapolis Peace Conference has come and gone, and negotiations are really just beginning, some in private and some in public. And while differences of opinion abound within the Orthodox world, … Continue reading

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