Category Archives: Israel

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Is A Bad Joke

From Dr. Marc B. Shapiro‘s first lecture on Rav Isser Yehuda Unterman for Torah in Motion: "The chief rabbinate [of Israel] in the days of Rav [Abraham Isaac] Kook and Rav [Benzion Meir Hai] Uziel and Rav Unterman was the … Continue reading

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Almost Every Gadol Of The Early 20th Century Had A Child Who Left The Path

In his third lecture on Rav Elazar Schach for Torah in Motion, historian Marc B. Shapiro says that Rav Schach’s son became a religious Zionist aka Modern Orthodox as opposed to Chareidi aka traditional Orthodox (who are not Zionists, don’t … Continue reading

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Skipping The Second Seder In Israel

Haaretz reports: In the area of Cleveland where Menachem Hecht used to live, two Modern Orthodox synagogues are located right next to each other. The rabbi of one synagogue ruled that people who don’t intend to move to Israel must … Continue reading

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Ban Dropped On Women Delivering Eulogies

From The Jerusalem Post: A rabbi in northern Israel who came under attack for what some called blatant male chauvinism agreed this week to stop reproaching women for eulogizing their deceased loved ones. Haim Adani, Rabbi of Elyachin, a town … Continue reading

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