Category Archives: Israel

Ron Paul Attracts A Bad Crowd

I’m fine with Ron Paul. I love his domestic program. I don’t agree with his foreign policy but I don’t have a problem with it. He wants America to withdraw from the world. Fine. That’s a legitimate position. One thing … Continue reading

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Religious Vs Secular In Israel

The WSJ reports: As the Orthodox seek jobs and housing in other areas, they are increasingly interacting with mainstream Israelis who see their strict code of religious practice to be coercive, and a threat to Israel’s democracy. “It’s a slippery … Continue reading

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Is Israel an Apartheid State?

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Israel Is Thriving

The news media by nature tend to focus on bad news. The good news about Israeli society far outweighs the bad. Overall, Israeli is in better shape than ever. Caroline Glick writes: Unemployment is at record lows. At a time … Continue reading

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Israeli TV Translated Into American

The Los Angeles Times reports: Reporting from Tel Aviv β€”β€” When the season finale of the Showtime thriller “Homeland” ran last month, it didn’t just cap Claire Danes’ triumphant return to series television β€” it marked the latest milestone for … Continue reading

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