Category Archives: Israel

Jared Taylor & The Jews

From American Thinker: On “the Jewish question,” Taylor seems to walk a tightrope. On the one hand, he has written, “People who are constantly talking about and complaining about Jewish influence remind me of blacks who think that everything that’s … Continue reading

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When Sheldon Adelson Says ‘Our Country,’ He Means Israel

Zionist Jews in America are sometimes accused of putting Israel’s interests before America. Now we have Sheldon Adelson talking up a border fence for “our country,” meaning Israel, but he essentially supports open borders for the United States. Why wouldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, Ann Coulter, Immigration, Israel, Sheldon Adelson | Comments Off on When Sheldon Adelson Says ‘Our Country,’ He Means Israel

Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa by Ilana Mercer

I did this interview via email.  1. LUKE: How eager was the publishing world and then the reading public for the messages of your book “Into the Cannibal’s Pot”?  ILANA MERCER: As is often the case, the “publishing world” was … Continue reading

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Tribes and the Nation State

I’m listening to the Tom Clancy thriller “Locked On.” There’s a character in it who seems Jewish to me but is never identified as such: “high-profile Czech billionaire Paul Laska (formerly Pavel Laska), having watched the debate on television, has … Continue reading

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Judaism As A Group Evolutionary Strategy

According to Wikipedia: Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is a professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), best known for his use of evolutionary theory to support his claim that Judaism is a “group evolutionary … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, Anti-Semitism, Charles Murray, IQ, Israel, Jews, Kevin MacDonald, Phil Rushton, Whites | Comments Off on Judaism As A Group Evolutionary Strategy