Category Archives: Israel

Israeli Spying On America

A few weeks ago, I pointed out that tribes often don’t have the same relationship to the nation state (in America, Canada, England, Australia, etc) as the majority population. They may well be less loyal — depending on circumstances — … Continue reading

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US Has Given Israel $121 Billion

Story: According to a report just released by the Congressional Research Service, a legislative branch agency of the Library of Congress that prepares policy analysis for Congress, “Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: What was John Kerry thinking when he suggested that Israel might become an apartheid state?

It seems to me that whenever multiple groups struggle for control of a specific land, one group usually ends up winning and other groups end up losing. For instance, in America, the Pilgrims won and the Indians lost. In Israel, … Continue reading

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Would Israel Allow A Non-Jew To Command Its Nuclear Arsenal?

No way! So why is the United States allowing a Jew (Jack Weinstein) to command its nuclear arsenal? Do the goyim have any reason to be upset? You can find a string of anti-Jewish websites online lamenting this news. I … Continue reading

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Count Me As Non-Offended

I notice Jews getting up in arms about John Kerry’s statements on Holocaust Memorial Day. I don’t see why the non-Jewish majority, even John Kerry, need to modify their behavior to accommodate any Jewish holiday or observance, including Holocaust Memorial … Continue reading

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