Category Archives: Israel

Jews, Judaism & Racism

Jazz musician and philosopher, the ex-Israeli Gilad Atzmon says: Jewish power is the ability to silence criticism of Jewish power… There is no doubt that Judaism, the Talmud and the Torah contain some devastatingly crude and even inhumane verses and … Continue reading

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Ashkenazi Blood Infusion

From the Judeo-Reactionary blog: Israeli Jewry is pronouncedly Mizrahi Jewry. Like Arabs and Berbers, Mizrahim are low-IQ, aggressive, and xenophobic. Over the decades of Israel’s existence, the trend has been towards Mizrahi relative growth compared to Ashkenazim. This has resulted … Continue reading

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Paul Gottfried: The American Right Should Respect Bibi

Paul Gottfried writes: For Bibi there is no realistic choice in negotiating with the Palestinians but to allow a two-state solution. Neither he and his party nor presumably those who belong to what is counterfactually called “the Zionist Union Left” … Continue reading

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Blood & Soil Nationalism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The USA can no longer be described as real blood and soil nation founded by a real genetic homogenous population. The Wasps gave up the ghost years ago, the Act of 1924 was their last … Continue reading

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Earl Raab: Multiculturalist in America, Zionist in Israel

Highlights: “The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able … Continue reading

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