Category Archives: Israel

Three jihads: Islamic, Christian, and Jewish

From JewishNews in England: An editorial in a renowned academic journal has been branded “blatant anti-Semitism” after it claimed the Holocaust is used to justify “Jewish extremism” and compared foreign jihadists to British Jews fighting in the IDF. Writing about … Continue reading

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Israel Ethiopian Protests

Nowhere in the coverage do I read the elementary facts that Ethiopians have average IQs of about 70 and that this low IQ predicts problems. As I wrote more than a year ago: “Is Israel Better Off For The Presence … Continue reading

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Is Israel still thrilled about the Ethiopian “Jewry” influx?

Blacks get arrested more often in Israel than whites, just like in all the other countries of the world. Importing Ethiopians has been a disaster for Israel. Many of these immigrants identify more with underclass black American culture than with … Continue reading

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That Drove Of Arab-Israeli Voters

Michael Scheur writes: Finally, Obama’s absurd anger over Netanyahu’s comment about the worrying “drove” of Arab-Israelis who went to the polls speaks to all Americans about the depth of incompetence, naiveté, and ignorance that resides in and fairly oozes from … Continue reading

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WP: Why Israel does not recognize the Armenian genocide

As soon as I read about why Jewish groups are doing or not doing something, I immediately ask, “Is it good for the Jews?” I think it is healthy for every group to first ask such a question. WASPs and … Continue reading

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