Category Archives: Race

Walgreens Seems Awfully Racist

Noticing which items get stolen most often is now racist 🙉 — The Safest Space (@TheSafestSpace) May 21, 2017

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WP: ‘Why the IRS puts white-nationalist groups in the same category as orchestras, planetariums and zoos’

Max Ehrenfreund writes for the Washington Post: The white nationalist movement has its intellectual roots in an old tradition of justifying racial prejudice through appeals to nonscientific theories of human evolution. The movement’s adherents generally espouse discredited ideas about race, … Continue reading

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Where Is Your Happy Place?

A Mexican friend says Dodger Stadium is her happy place. She goes there and she always feels happy. I want to say that for Jews, synagogue is their happy place. They go there and they always feel happy. But I … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Rise and Rise of Ethnic Turf Marking

Los Angeles Times: “But few of them are aware that the fountain was the centerpiece to a housing development with an ugly side: Midwick View Estates was meant for whites only.” Do synagogues have an ugly side in that they … Continue reading

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Will the Alt-Right Peddle a New Kind of Racist Genetics?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If Ms. Zhang needs an organ transplant we will see how quickly she believes in race. * Humans and chimpanzees share 99% of the same genes. And I share 99.99% of the same genes with … Continue reading

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