Category Archives: Race

Study Says Empathy Varies By Race

Wow: “The ADRA2b deletion variant appears in varying degrees across different ethnicities. Although roughly 50 per cent of the Caucasian population studied by these researchers in Canada carry the genetic variation, it has been found to be prevalent in other … Continue reading

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Fleeing Diversity While Denouncing Racism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Those who flee the wonders of Diversity seem to overcompensate for their guilt by becoming shrill denouncers of racism. This is particularly true in Woodstock, NY, where I live. For decades, hipsters have fled to … Continue reading

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Whites are 63% of America’s population but 81% of its workforce and they dominate high IQ jobs

I’m shocked at these statistics. I would have thought blacks and hispanics would dominate America’s high IQ jobs. Different average IQ levels for different groups would account for most of the differences. REPORT: Data from the U.S. Census supports this … Continue reading

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The Sopranos As Race Realism

I’m rewatching The Sopranos. I detect nothing PC in it. It seems race realist. I don’t detect any liberal Jewish propaganda. I don’t see any white bashing. What am I missing? A Jewish friend replies: “You are missing nothing. It … Continue reading

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Can Orangutans Exist With Humans?

A fair question is if various types of humans can live with each other in peace. Report: The struggle between the various players is nuanced and complex, and, for outsiders, often difficult to understand. To local farmers and other people … Continue reading

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