Category Archives: Race

Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust by Albert S Lindemann

From page 46: The writings of the widely recognized ‘father of modern racism,’ Count Arthur de Gobineau, further suggest some of the overlooked intricacies of racist thinking in regard to the Jews in the nineteenth century… Gobineau pushed what could … Continue reading

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Between the Racist World and Ta Coates

From * Ta Coates is one of the great thinkers of the 21st century. Don’t agree? Then you’re on the wrong side of history. Ta has written a book for the ages, chronicling such fascinating episodes as dating, doing … Continue reading

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With the Washington Post, has Jeff Bezos broken away from the clique?

Today I was shocked that the Washington Post linked to American Renaissance, the premiere journal of thought for white advocates. Since Jeff Bezos bought the paper, it has moved in a race-realist Steve Sailer direction. In April, the Washington Post … Continue reading

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IQ & Race

Chaim Amalek writes: All talk of IQ is just another trap for the unwary white, and another path to becoming a cuckservative. After all, if IQ defines the merit of a population group, then you should cheer the conquest of … Continue reading

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Why My Biracial Son Doesn’t Want To Date Jewish Girls

Ayanna Nahmias writes: Any man I’m with has to be committed to raising my son as his own. It’s very hard for a man to do that if he can’t see himself in a child — and that would be … Continue reading

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