Category Archives: Race

Reality Is Racist

From VDARE: Donald Trump has the usual suspects in shrieking hysterics because of one of his latest Instagram ads. This is no "act of love" as Jeb Bush said… A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Aug 31, … Continue reading

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Can Dogs Be Racist?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “It’s a real phenomenon. Lots of dogs treat Blacks differently. Never heard anything about cats, though.” Are you joking or you serious? Are you talking about police dogs? Because they attack thugs regardless of race, … Continue reading

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The Daily Mail’s Race Realism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The daily mail is doing an amazing job combining honest race reporting with the type of celebrity click bait that you have to have for mainstream success. I checked out the owner, he might be … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Victim Wasn’t Racist So She Didn’t Deserve to be Murdered

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Flanagan was an aggressive, obnoxious guy, who got away with being that way as long as he did because he was black. * Not only was Vester Lee Flanagan bat shit crazy, but he also … Continue reading

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Southern Poverty Law Center Goes After Henry Harpending

Jayman writes: The Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) current “Featured Extremist” (their words) is none other than the mild-mannered Henry Harpending of West Hunter They go into a fair amount of detail about Harpending and his work, but take a … Continue reading

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