Category Archives: Race

A Troublesome Inheritance

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Maybe it’s just about the right time to ask the signatories of the letter to the NY Times denouncing Nicholas Wade whether they’d like a Mulligan. Hysterical obfuscation and conspicuous moral posturing isn’t really a … Continue reading

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Why The Hatred Against Donald Trump?

Jayman writes March 18, 2016: I will argue that the hatred directed towards Trump has little to do with Trump himself or his campaign. Rather, I suspect that this is more about what a Trump presidency represents: the end of … Continue reading

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The Concept Of ‘Racism’ Didn’t Exist Before The 1930s

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Why do sex workers discriminate against black men? This is outrageous. The government should do something.

How long can we abide such unrighteous discrimination? All prostitutes should be required by law to service an equal percentage of blacks as their general makeup of the population. And if they can’t afford it, they should get it free … Continue reading

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Hard Truths About Race on Campus

By JONATHAN HAIDT and LEE JUSSIM: …None of this means that we are doomed to discriminate by race. A 2001 study by Robert Kurzban of the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences … Continue reading

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