Category Archives: Race


Comment: Anyone see this author Sebastian Junger on PBS Newshour? He’s got a book out called Tribe about community..can’t even define tribe – no reference to extended family or race..jeesh. Does he have any idea where the aboriginal tribes came … Continue reading

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On the Reality of Race

Essay: Most people believe that race exists. They believe that Denzel Washington is an African American, that George Clooney is a Caucasian, and that George Takei is an Asian.* Many intellectuals, however, contend that this belief results from an illusion … Continue reading

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Your Skin Is Your Uniform

Vox Day writes: Everywhere you go, from San Jose to Melbourne, the race war will find you. Vibrants don’t give a damn that you are a good anti-racist. They could not care less that you deplore racism with every bone … Continue reading

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Muhammad Ali’s IQ

From VDARE: A few thoughts apropos of Steve Sailer’s post, which included Muhammad Ali’s IQ, 75 and linked to Phillippe Rushton’s piece, which explained how mystified college professors are when seemingly engaged, prepared, intelligent, garrulous and entertaining black students fail … Continue reading

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Tweet: ‘Imagine how disgusted Lincoln would be if he could see how Trump’s racism has tainted the Republican party’

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