Category Archives: Christianity

Benzi Gopstein, head of Lehava, calls to ban Christmas in the Holy Land: ‘Let us remove the vampires before they once again drink our blood.’

This guy doesn’t bother me any more than gentiles who call for their own countries to be free of Jews. The stronger you are in your particular identity, the more likely you are to be hostile to outsiders. That’s how … Continue reading

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Black Preacher – Movie Producer Devon Franklin Keeps The Sabbath

He sounds like an Orthodox Jew. From KPCC: You observe the Sabbath, meaning you don’t work from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. So what if there’s an issue on [a movie] set Friday night? Do you just not show up? … Continue reading

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How Christian Should American Politicians Be?

Lisa Schiffren writes on FB: “I was really put off by Rubio’s Catholic schoolboy interjection about how there is only one savior and he is JC who came to earth and died for our sins, at the debate last week. … Continue reading

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Forward: Iowa Caucuses Cap Harsh Campaign Dominated by Christian Appeals

Nathan Guttman writes: Mixing religion and politics has, traditionally, been a source of concern for Jewish voters. “It’s a slippery slope and there are concerns about how much religion is being talks,” said David Adelman, the Des Moines Jewish federation’s … Continue reading

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Awkward Christian Albums

More. 21 Awkwardly Sexual Album Covers

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