Category Archives: Christianity

Trump Is Willing To Die For Our Sins

Are you willing to take the lord Donald J. Trump as your personal savior, to walk in his ways, to love him and to follow him? Every form of personal redemption requires a path, a community and a literature. Comments … Continue reading

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Christianity Under Attack

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Cathy Young: The Alt-Right: They’re creepy and they’re kooky, and not in the cute Addams Family way

Is throwing slurs such as “creepy” and “kooky” supposed to be an honorable form of argument? There are only two honorable forms of argument — disputing facts and logic. Most women are not cut out for such disputation. Most men … Continue reading

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Monotheistic Religions May Encourage Paternal Investment

From the Chateau: Twatter tartlet @clairlemon passes along a study sure to get on the nerves of neckbeard atheists and secular anti-Christian (((feminists))). She writes, Interesting paper suggests that monotheistic religion is a paternity-certainty facilitator. With paternity certainty, comes paternal … Continue reading

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Jewish Converts Changed The Roman Catholic Attitude To Jews

You can understand why the Church had suspicion of conversos. Many Jewish converts to Christianity around the time of the Reformation pushed the humanist approach to religion. That approach is safer for Jews. Even when they convert to another religion, … Continue reading

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