Category Archives: Christianity

Steve Sailer: Another Day in Europe: 84-year-old Priest Beheaded in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Church

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Ironically, Pope Francis is the biggest cheerleader for massive, uncontrolled Muslim immigration into Europe. * Muslim extremists love to bomb and attack the houses of worship of those they don’t like. It’s a worldwide pattern. … Continue reading

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Signs & Portents

Comment: There is no “deep mainstream interest amongst Christians in Revelations”. Studying Revelations for signs and portents only interests maybe 1-2% of Christians. As far as Christian millennialism is concerned, early Christian Zionists (100-150 years ago) revived and reinterpreted traditional … Continue reading

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‘Interfaith Dialogue & Outreach’

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Pastor Praises Gay Massacre

Los Angeles Times: Pastor Roger Jimenez touched off a firestorm of controversy after he posted a YouTube video of his sermon in which he praised the June 11 massacre of 49 people and called the victims pedophiles and predators. “I … Continue reading

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Ilana Mercer: In Order To Survive, Perhaps Christians Should Consider Converting To Judaism?

Ilana Mercer writes: There’s none of this turn-the-other-cheek, love-your-enemy, expiate-for-enemy’s-sins stuff in The Hebrew Bible and in Judaism, generally. There’s justice. Be just to your enemies, yes! But love them, welcome them into your home, let them walk all over … Continue reading

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