Category Archives: Blacks

WP: What that Cruz-Rubio ‘He doesn’t speak Spanish’ thing was about

The worst writer for The Fix at the Washington Post is Janell Ross. Nobody would care about Mexicans speaking Spanish in America if they did it in private while displaying fluency in English in public. Unfortunately, many Mexican-Americans tend to … Continue reading

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Democrats Are The Party Of The Disaffected

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Hillary Campaigns to be America’s Third Black President” Modelling yourself after the only living two-term Democratic presidents seems wise, no? The high/low strategy of simultaneously appealing to affluent suburban whites and poor minorities wins elections, … Continue reading

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WP: Clinton, Sanders likely to tackle minority concerns in debate

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve always thought that lead was a serious problem, but I was surprised to read that the level of lead in Flint children’s blood is only on the order of 1/4 to 1/2 the average … Continue reading

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Do Whites Have A Future In The Democratic Party?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If I was a Democratic party bigwig, I’d be terrified of this stuff — how stuff you said 20 years ago in a completely different political environment could come back and haunt you for being … Continue reading

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NYT: Coaching Stars to Avoid a ‘Racist Against Whites’ Moment

New York Times: Concerns peaked after Charlotte Rampling, the British best actress nominee from “45 Years,” told a French radio station last month that talk of a boycott was “racist against whites.” Her publicity team, aghast, quickly went to work, … Continue reading

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