Category Archives: Blacks

Condi Rice For VP

Comment: * Does Condi Rice have much appeal to anyone but neocons? One of the problems with her is that black politicians are disinclined to stick with the program if it’s going to get in the way of their blackness. … Continue reading

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“We are Assata’s Daughters”

Comment: If you think the Trayvon Martin Foundation was named in bad taste, I present to you Daughters of Assata: “We are Assata’s Daughters” Who is Assata? Full name Assata Shakur, born JoAnne Deborah Byron. From wikipedia: In May … Continue reading

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Black Woman Asks In The New York Times: Is Egg Freezing Only for White Women?

“By RENIQUA ALLEN I want to have a kid someday, but I’m afraid of the stigma of single motherhood.” Because as we all know, blacks are terribly afraid to have children out of wedlock. After all, only 72% of black … Continue reading

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What Does O.J. Simpson Have To Teach Us?

Steve Sailer writes: Black violent crime against whites is a huge statistical phenomenon that we aren’t supposed to recognize as even a Thing. Orwell’s “crimestop” — i.e., “protective stupidity” — shuts down our cognitive processes before we can figure out … Continue reading

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What’s With All The Blacks Named ‘Dante’?

Steve Sailer writes: “First names that begin with D are kind of a black pride thing these days, kind of like certain first names that begin with J are a Jewish pride thing lately (e.g., Joshua). “Dante” is a good … Continue reading

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