Category Archives: Blacks

LAT: Plastic surgeon’s license revoked three years after court acquitted him of charges

Los Angeles Times: A Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who was accused — and acquitted — of unlawfully videotaping partly nude patients lost his medical license Friday after state officials said he was a threat to public safety. In 2013, a … Continue reading

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Ricky Vaughn: “Black” civil rights leaders

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21st black assailant sentenced in Cleveland gang rape

News: State District Judge Mark Morefield on Friday wrote the final chapter in the notorious gang rape case of an 11-year-old Cleveland girl when he accepted the guilty plea of the last of 21 assailants. Cordney Demond Bennett, 21, of … Continue reading

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U.S. Crime Rates By Race

Comments: * Real crime dramas would be overwhelmingly about dirtbags committing lunkhead type crime (beating some guy senseless for looking at them funny, robbing a store in broad daylight with no mask in view of God and surveillance cameras, etc.). … Continue reading

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John Rivers: ‘The main thing that #BlackLivesMatter taught me is that Black Dudes are a lot gayer than I realized.’

Posted in Blacks, Homosexuality | Comments Off on John Rivers: ‘The main thing that #BlackLivesMatter taught me is that Black Dudes are a lot gayer than I realized.’