Category Archives: Blacks

Steve Sailer: Cop Stabbed While Mob Chants “Black Lives Matter” … in London

Comments: * The internet is a double-edged sword that cuts both ways:the foreswing of instant global communication that allows good things to happen more quickly can be cancelled out in a flash by an uncontrolled backswing that cuts to the … Continue reading

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Why Do Non-Whites Fear The Outdoors?

REPORT: Asked what safety concerns kept them from visiting the metro’s regional parks, focus groups of African-Americans spoke worriedly about violent crime and accidents. This could happen Asians tended to bring up snakes, bees, hunters and water viruses. African immigrants … Continue reading

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NYT: “White Women Have Spent Centuries Stealing Black Women’s Genius, Labor, Babies, Bodies.”

New York Times: But the mischievous teasing at times turned serious, as blacks invoked a painful history of prominent white figures stealing the work of black artists and presenting it as their own. “I’m not surprised Melanie plagiarized from Michelle,” … Continue reading

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ESPN: Rooney Rule in reverse: Minority coaching hires have stalled

I don’t see many asians coaching in the NFL. How come nobody in the MSM is worried about that? I don’t see many Orthodox Jews coaching in the NFL. Is the reason anti-Semitism? I don’t see many whites playing cornerback … Continue reading

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ESPN: Study: Minority coaches dominate positions less associated with advancement

ESPN: A study of 2016 NFL coaching staffs shows that white coaches overwhelmingly fill the offensive positions associated with advancement to the head-coaching ranks, compromising the Rooney Rule’s efforts to reverse a recent trend. Eighty of NFL’s current 85 offensive … Continue reading

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