Category Archives: Blacks

The Multi-Billion Dollar Pigford Reparations Fraud

My friend Andrew Breitbart has been investigating this story for months. The National Review reports: Though Breitbart says the biggest revelations are yet to come, he has coauthored a report detailing some of the crime that has been directly tied … Continue reading

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Is Pigford Reparations?

This has the potential to be political dynamite — the Obama administration paying out billions of dollars in reparations to black farmers while its Justice Department ignores Black Panther intimidation of non-black voters in Philadelphia. Here’s the Wikipedia on the … Continue reading

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Acting White: The Curious History of a Racial Slur

On Thursday, Dennis Prager talks to Ron Christie, professor of political science and strategy at George Washington University and Haverford College. His new book is Acting White: The Curious History of a Racial Slur Ron Christie, who’s black: I trace … Continue reading

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The Decline Of Western Civilization

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talked about a song named “F*** You” nominated for Grammy Record of the Year. “In the video, everyone in it was a black American. I just wonder if any other community would not … Continue reading

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Inner City Black Life in America

From “Bob Herbert of the New York Times writes that blacks have to take responsibility for the deterioration of the black family. Coming from a liberal like Herbert, this is quite an admission…” Bob Herbert writes in the New … Continue reading

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