Category Archives: Blacks

National Review Parts Ways With John Derbyshire

Over the weekend, National Review ended its association with John Derbyshire. Why? Because of this racist essay he published. I say John Derbyshire is harmless. Nowhere does he advocate mistreatment of anyone based on race so his “racism” is purely … Continue reading

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Race-Baiting The Trayvon Martin Case

Anyone up in arms about this case does not have a life. We do not know what happened yet. To pile on to this case and say incendiary things reveals that you jump at the least stimuli and use it … Continue reading

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Most Of The People Voting In GOP Primaries Are White

Ronald Brownstein writes: The conditions are converging for another presidential election that will sharply divide the country along racial lines, with troubling implications no matter which side prevails. From one direction, the Republican presidential primaries have witnessed an epic failure … Continue reading

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NYT: George Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic crime watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla.

From Dennis Prager today: “A shooting in Florida of a black teenager has attracted a lot of attention. The shooter is described in the NY Times as a “white Hispanic.” Since when has the NY Times used the term “white … Continue reading

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Black women heavier, happier with their bodies

The Washington Post reports: “According to a recent poll, black women are heavier than their white counterparts, but they also report having appreciably higher levels of self-esteem.” That’s super-duper, but if you’re heavy, every movement will take more effort. You … Continue reading

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