Category Archives: Blacks

Were Blacks Better Off Under Jim Crow Laws?

On Friday, I posted to FB: “Phil Robertson stood tall for his beliefs [about homosexuality] and A&E caved.” My friend Michael responded: “Phil’s “beliefs” include black people supposedly enjoying living under racist Jim Crow laws.” Michael, Phil didn’t give any … Continue reading

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AIDS In Africa

PR exec Justine Sacco was fired for tweeting: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” She just happened to tell the truth. Whites are at much less at risk of getting AIDS or any STD … Continue reading

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Who Accused FSU Star Quarterback Jameis Winston Of Rape? Erica Kinsman

The formula for winning in college football is to have as many thugs on your team as possible. The downside of this is that you will have to put up with more rapes on campus. No charges are pending for … Continue reading

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Daryl Dawkins: Hoops in Black and White (A Sociological Look at USA’s 2004 Dream Team Failure)

From Fox Sports: Once the black game moved indoors and became more organized, the pressure to establish bona fides increases. If you’re not scoring beaucoup points, if your picture isn’t in the papers, if you don’t have a trophy (right … Continue reading

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The 1968 Olympics Salute

Yahoo: Film Australia gives the now standard (in Australia this is a common practice): “Warning – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should exercise caution when watching this program as it may contain images of deceased persons.” This is political … Continue reading

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