Category Archives: Blacks

She Said She Liked My Yarmulke

This beautiful young woman said to me, “When are you asking me out?” After I sputtered and asked for her preference in restaurants, she said, “You can take me to McDonalds.” Was she: * Persian * Jewish * Mormon * … Continue reading

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Is Jewish Support For Civil Rights Based On Jewish Texts?

From Edward S. Shapiro’s (he is the father of academic superstar Marc B. Shapiro) 2005 collection of essays — We Are Many: Reflections On American Jewish History And Identity: …If support for blacks is an ineluctable result of Jewish values, … Continue reading

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What About The Earnings Disparity Between Jews & Gentiles?

How long will our government stay silent about the shocking disparity? ‪It’s larger than the male-female earnings gap. Haaretz: “According to that survey, 46 percent of American Jews had household incomes of more than $100,000, and 12 percent take in … Continue reading

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George Soros & The Ferguson Protests

A Jewish friend says: “I, for one, do NOT blame George Soros’s 33 million and the Jew-owned and operated media for this false and fierce narrative.” Some left-wing Jewish organizations (such as the ADL and the SPLC and George Soros) … Continue reading

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The Eric Holder Challenge: Can You Find a City Where Blacks Aren’t Arrested More Often?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The DOJ report said the disparities couldn’t be explained by crime rates. Of course they didn’t control for age so their controls maybe useless. The only category that I feel there is legitimate complaint is … Continue reading

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