Category Archives: Blacks

NYT: Police Killings of Blacks: What the Data Says

From the New York Times: As an economist who has studied racial discrimination, I’ve begun to look at these deaths from a different angle. There is ample statistical evidence of large and persistent racial bias in other areas — from … Continue reading

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WP: Tough Being Black In DC

Comments at the website: * So when blacks left DC for PG County, is it racist that the crime rates in PG went up? Or is just simply because – not ALL blacks – but certainly the thug blacks … Continue reading

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Moses Was Not An Integrationist

From CNN: Farrakhan blasted the white establishment again on Saturday. “Moses was not an integrationist and neither are we,” he said. “Let me be clear. America has no future for you or for me. She can’t make a future for … Continue reading

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Black Lives Matter

From the Chateau: Black Lives Matter is the name of a political/social bowel movement pushed out into the toilet bowl formerly known as America by a diarrhetic alliance of Talented Tenth high yellas and pathologically ethnomasochistic and xenophilic white equalist … Continue reading

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WP: The secret surveillance of ‘suspicious’ blacks in one of the nation’s poshest neighborhoods

Washington Post: These are questions being asked across the country as people experiment with services that bill themselves as a way to prevent crime, but also expose latent biases. The application “SketchFactor,” which invited users to report “sketchy” people, faced … Continue reading

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