Category Archives: Blacks

The Sorrowful Ballad Of Fat White Chicks

Richard B. Spencer: #Adele sings the sorrowful ballad of fat White women everywhere who’ve taken in Black men and been abandoned.

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WP: What happened to the ‘hero mom’ of Baltimore’s riots?

Washington Post: BALTIMORE — The most famous mom in Baltimore is uneasy. It is noon on a Wednesday, and she is six hours into her shift driving addicts from a halfway house to a treatment center. She has only made … Continue reading

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Blacks Default On Their Debts, Whites To Blame

Summary: “Blacks defaulting on their debts is proof of white racism, in order to fix it we need more affirmative action and public housing in order to fix it.” Link: …a ProPublica investigation found massive racial disparities in debt collection … Continue reading

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The Strange Case of Anna Stubblefield

Why does it feel like there are a disproportionate number of Jews in every form of societal insanity (as well as brilliance)? Oy. Is this lady good for the Jews? From the New York Times: She told the family of … Continue reading

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NYT: Fragile Baltimore Struggles to Heal After Deadly Police Encounters

Commenters at the refuse to follow the narrative: * Residents, angry and frightened, accuse the police of standing down and ignoring crime. OMG make up your minds! Do you want the police to arrest people or do you want … Continue reading

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