Category Archives: Blacks

The Summer Of Monumental Madness

Robert Weissberg writes: I’m sure, but let me add a less obvious but ultimately more important hypothesis: the sudden hysteria is a result of decades of pent up exasperation over failure at achieving racial equality. In a nutshell, for at … Continue reading

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ESPN 30 For 30: What Carter Lost

This documentary begins by talking about what fine folks attended the black Carter High School in Dallas. How the community was comprised of doctors, PhDs, professionals and the like. All good folks. In 1988, Carter High School (eight of these … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Washington Post Supports Howard U. Coeds Being Enraged at Skinny Blonde Beckys Wearing MAGA Hats on Their Safe Space Turf

This disturbance became public with a tweet from a black woman who spells her name in Hebrew. Isn’t snatching and removing someone’s hat a crime? Isn’t it a form of assault? How would black women feel if someone came over … Continue reading

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Sacrificing Smart Asians to Keep the Racial Peace

Robert Weissberg writes: Stated in cost-benefit terms, denying a few hundred (even a few thousand) high-SAT scoring Asians an Ivy League diploma and instead forcing them attend Penn State is a cheap price to pay for social peace. This argument … Continue reading

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Race and IQ, Fascinated and Horrified

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