Category Archives: Blacks

Understanding Stupid Political Activism

Robert Weisberg writes: Any sensible person viewing today’s identity-based, tribe-like political activism (think recent incidents at the University of Missouri and Yale among countless others) would conclude that these antics are stupid, foolish, counter-productive, and otherwise ill-conceived or, as the … Continue reading

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Black Guy Sets His Two White Coworkers On Fire

I’m sure the ADL is going to be all over this hate crime. REPORT: Will Obama mention this in his next press conference? Two men were doused with gasoline and set on fire in Baltimore. [Black] Bystanders stood around and … Continue reading

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The Beyonce Love Doll Controversy

If only James Deen had one of these, he wouldn’t have needed to rape anybody. From “She ain’t no beyonce! she’s a blow-up bee-yatch who’s crazy in love with cock! you don’t have to put a ring on this … Continue reading

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WEHT: South L.A. student finds a different world at Cal

Los Angeles Times Aug. 26, 2013: Kashawn Campbell overcame many obstacles to become a straight-A student. But his freshman year at UC Berkeley shook him to the core. School had always been his safe harbor. Growing up in one of … Continue reading

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The Widening Racial Scoring Gap on the SAT College Admissions Test

From the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education: In 2005, 153,132 African Americans took the SAT test. They made up 10.4 percent of all SAT test takers. But only 1,132 African-American college-bound students scored 700 or above on the math … Continue reading

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