Category Archives: Blacks

Who’s The Leading Black Classical Music Composer?

Richard Lynn writes in his book Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis: * The low musical abilities of Africans, except for their strong sense of rhythm, are consistent with their generally poor achievements in classical music. There are no … Continue reading

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Ali: A Life

From the new biography: * The Nation of Islam orators spoke of power. They offered proof, divine and historical, that white people were devils and destined to fall. Allah Himself had revealed this to His prophet, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. … Continue reading

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Stupidity Kills

According to Linda Gottfredson, 40% of urban out-patients don’t understand when their next doctor’s appointment is scheduled, 70% don’t understand how many pills of a prescription to take, and 95% don’t understand the informed consent form. Stupidity kills and it … Continue reading

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Urban Black Basketball

Here’s an excerpt from an Esquire interview with Steve Oney: EC: There are a few lines from Brown that suggest a racial insensitivity that today would not be permissible but at the time was a more accepted part of the … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Texas Man’s Death Sentence Thrown Out Over Racist Testimony’

New York Times: Duane E. Buck barged into his girlfriend’s Texas home after she broke up with him and killed her and a friend. Later that morning in July 1995, he fired a rifle at his stepsister, who survived because … Continue reading

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