Category Archives: Diversity

Can’t We All Get Along?

Steve Sailer writes: Some of the Soviet Jews eventually bounced from Israel to Los Angeles. The first Israelis I can recall meeting in Los Angeles were in late 1980. There was an Israeli fighter pilot who competed with Martin Rothblatt … Continue reading

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Which Groups Get The Most Pokemon Diversity Points?

Those with the most points are in the right in any dispute. John Rivers tweets: Diversity Points: Black: 10 Hispanic: 5 Asian: 2 White: 0 Female: 5 Male: 0 Muslim: 5 Hindu: 4 Jewish: 3 Christian: 0 LGBT: 5 Straight: … Continue reading

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Race & Economic Equality

What if, at any given time, the majority of America's problems are NOT caused by a cabal of elites or a race/religion you don't like? — Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) April 3, 2016 .@Chris_arnade except w/less competition dems are even less … Continue reading

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HOUSE OF CARDS: The End of $NFLX & Social Signaling, Human Biodiversity As A Stock Price Tell

Charles Johnson writes: Netflix’s stock price decline is the latest example that the Johnson dollar diversity dilemma hypothesis in full swing. We previously noted it in connection with Twitter. The Johnson dollar diversity dilemma hypothesis is that you can tell … Continue reading

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The Diversity Swindle

Steve Sailer writes: Do you ever get the impression that our endless identity-politics culture wars have less to do with the liberation of their ostensible beneficiaries than with the further career advancement of a small number of individuals whose careers … Continue reading

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