Category Archives: Diversity

Diversity Destroys Trust

From Chateau Heartiste: Mass non-white immigration to white countries erodes social trust, which decreases the support for wealth redistribution to groups of swarthies who act and look very differently than your friends and family, hence increased “economic freedom”. Related: A … Continue reading

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The Devil’s in the Diversity

LINK: I was reading a post at the Amerika blog on a new Danish survey evaluating the, by now, well catalogued pathologies of diversity. The findings of which tend to mirror those of liberal Robert Putnam who found that “People … Continue reading

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NYT: Who Will Pay the Political Price for Affordable Housing?

NYT: Robert Putnam of Harvard: “immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the U.S. suggests that in ethnically diverse neighborhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down.’ Trust, even of one’s … Continue reading

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Demography is Destiny, American Nations Edition

Jayman writes: Sorting within an ethnic groups can produce distinct regional differences. Founder effects are powerful, as is the converse effect, boiling off. This means that regional differences across countries like the United States reflect genetic differences between people. Even … Continue reading

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NPR: Hospitals Set New Restrictions On Who Can Perform Risky Surgeries

NPR: “So how bad can things get? Dr. John Birkmeyer at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in New Hampshire says a patient came to him after bariatric surgery at a small hospital, a hospital that didn’t perform that operation often. Before sewing up this … Continue reading

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